Tag Archives: photos

Wordless Wednesday: Rubber ducky, you’re the one

Noah ducky 3

Noah ducky 2

Noah with ducky


Linking up with BabyBabyLemon for Wordless Wednesday!


Wordless Wednesday: My two favorite guys

Bobby and Noah 3 - 12/7/11

Bobby and Noah 2 - 12/7/11

Bobby and Noah - 12/7/11

Bobby and Noah 4 - 12/7/11

Linking up with BabyBabyLemon today for Wordless Wednesday!


Wordless Wednesday: New coat (and Mommy gets in on the action)

WW1 10-26

WW2 10-26

WW3 - 10/26

WW4 - 10-26

Get this: The coat? It was $6 on clearance at The Gap! Obviously (based on the last picture), Noah can’t believe it either.

Six months and my how time is flying

So hard to believe it’s been six months since this little bundle of terror joy came into our lives.

I joke now about him being a terror versus being a joy, but for the first six or eight weeks of his life, Bobby and I definitely did think maybe we’d gotten ourselves in over our heads. It seemed like he never stopped crying. We could never figure out what was wrong. He had gas. He was constipated. He wouldn’t stop pooping. It was always something, and just when we thought we had it figured out, it changed.

We have a long way to go with this parenting thing still, but we’ve definitely made progress in the past six months. We haven’t killed the kid, and Bobby and I haven’t strangled each other. We can now distinguish (usually) when he’s whiny because he’s tired, when he needs a diaper change or when he’s screaming because he’s hungry.

Noah has come a long way, too. He started out at 9 lbs. 5 oz., 21.25″, and he has grown, as of his six-month doctor visit, to 21 lbs. 5 oz. and 27″. So he’s grown almost an inch per month and gained exactly 2 lbs. per month.

He’s also doing all kinds of cool stuff these days. He’s getting to be a really good sitter and is trying to learn to crawl. He eats solid foods (pureed) nearly every day and really likes green beans, carrots and applesauce so far. He loves to interact with people and his surroundings and tries to get everything that’s remotely close to his reach … and put it in his mouth. He holds his own bottle now and loves to try to feed himself with the spoon, which usually ends up like that picture on the left.

Bobby and I agree we can’t imagine life without him. It’s so hard to believe he’s halfway to being a year old! Here’s a little photo review of this last six months (click to enlarge):

Wordless Wednesday: He be rollin’

Rollin' 1

Rollin' 2

Rollin' 3

Rollin' 4

Rollin' 5

Linking up with The Paper Mama, Parenting by Dummies, Live and Love Out Loud and 5 Minutes for Mom.

Wordless Wednesday – A morning at the office

Wordless Wednesday - Messy desk

Wordless Wednesday - Noah photo

Wordless Wednesday - Dilbert

Wordless Wednesday - Coffee

Once again linking up with Living Like the Kings and The Paper Mama.

Wordless Wednesday: Four months

Four months - Bobby and Noah

Wordless Wednesday: Just your typical morning in the Mathews household

Good morning, Daddy!

Hey, Mommy!

Morning smiles for Daddy

Ma, do I have to get strapped down in this thing again?

OK, let's go!

Hands in mouth

Photo challenge day 2

The theme for day 2 of the 30-day photo challenge is “What I Wore Today.”

30 day photo challenge - day 2
Still want to join in? There’s definitely still time! Check it out on Pinterest. Also (and I’m totally stealing this from Lauren), if you are participating in the challenge, share a link!

30-day photo challenge

I came across a 30-day photo challenge on Pinterest, so I’m going to try to complete it during the month of June! Photography has long been an interest of mine, but too often I just completely forget about taking my camera places and end up having to take photos with my phone. One of my goals for this challenge is to not have to use a cell phone picture for any of the days.

Today’s theme is self-portrait, and here’s my shot:

30-Day Photo Challenge - Day 1I decided to finally learn to use the timer on my camera. This isn’t exactly stellar photography, but I thought it’d be fun to do something with a baby-related item. I’ve been doing a lot of reading up on baby stuff lately, so Baby Talk magazine it was!

Here’s the runner-up photo:

30-Day Photo Challenge - Day 1

If anyone who reads wants to join in, feel free, and be sure to link me to your blog or album! My complete set of photos will be on Flickr.